Unicycling the Florida Keys

Couldn’t wait to tell you about this upcoming event and to join in the excitement!

Sculpture Key West will be kicking off their December opening week in an unusual way with a train fan and a clown pedaling unicycles 106 miles along the Florida Keys.  The Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Unicycle Tour will be led by Robert Hickman and Keith Nelson of New York (Facebook Page).

Beginning on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, the unicyclists will start off in Key Largo at Mile Marker 106 and ride 20 to 25 miles each day, ultimately reaching their final destination on Sunday afternoon at Mile Marker 0 in Key West.  Afterwards, they will proceed to Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park in Key West for a reception at the Channel Tiki Hut.  During their unicycling adventure, Hickman and Nelson will pedal across 42 bridges, the longest of which is the 7 Mile Bridge.   After each days ride, evening events are planned each night to promote Sculpture Key West, bicycling the Overseas Highway, and Arts in the Florida Keys.

The Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Unicycle Tour and Sculpture Key West are brought to you, in part, by the Monroe County Tourist Development Council.

For more information please contact:

Daniela Woody, 305-890-6477




“Ride America for Safe Routes”

Four ambitious women are undertaking a cross-country endurance ride that will kick off from Key West, Fl. today, Sunday, February 5th and culminate in San Francisco in late April.  Two sisters, Jeanie and Chelsea Ward-Waller, their mother, Jane, and close friend Stephanie Palmer are riding across America to benefit the bicycle safety advocacy efforts of the League of American Bicyclists and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.  Dubbed “Ride America for Safe Routes” (RASR), their ride follows a route traversing 13 southern states and 20 major cities, logging over 5,000 miles between Florida and California.  The mission of RASR is to raise $50,000 for the League’s Bike Friendly America program and for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs in local communities.  In addition, the RASR Team will advocate the critical need for bike safety and promote the public health benefits of bicycling through events with local bicycle groups and SRTS programs in communities along their route.  See the RASR website at http://rideforsaferoutes.blogspot.com/ or contact rideforsaferoutes@gmail.com for more information on the Ride and to support a future of bike-friendly communities.

The kickoff party, at Salsa Loca, last night was a great success.  Many members of Team Mile Zero Heroes came out to show their support.  This morning the Mile Zero Heroes will join the ladies for the ride out planned to depart the US Post Office on Whitehead Street at 10am.  Thank you to Salsa Loca for catering the event, JT for the One Human Family handouts and Eaton Bikes for the gift bags.

Good luck!


First Annual Over-Sea Cycle 100

This Saturday, January 21, 2012 is the First Annual Over-Sea Cycle 100.  This ride, from Mile Marker 100 in Key Largo to Mile Marker Zero in Key West, will commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the first arrival of Flagler’s Over-Sea Railroad.  The entire Florida Keys is celebrating this weekend, what was once considered the “Eighth Wonder of the World”.  We will stop by many of the roadside attractions for plenty of photo ops and the occasional historic presentation.